Chehalis Centralia Events Calendar

This community events calendar is the place to find fun activities and things to do throughout Lewis County, including Centralia, Chehalis and beyond.

Propagating with Seeds @ Fort Borst Park Kitchen #1
Feb 15 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Free Pre-registration 4 days prior to the event. Learn how to start plants by using seeds

Roast Your Ex @ The Juice Box Public House
Feb 15 @ 8:00 pm
Roast Your Ex @ The Juice Box Public House

Are you over your ex? Or still nursing a broken heart? Either way, it’s time to get your revenge – with laughter! Join us at The Juice Box Public House for a night of hilarious “Roast Your Ex” fun.

Host Cheri Hardman and her band of witty comedians will be dishing out jokes about dating, heartbreak, and relationships gone wrong. And if you’re feeling bold, you can roast your own ex! Don’t worry, it’s all in good fun – we promise plenty of laughs and zero hard feelings.

So grab your friends, bring your ex’s photo (or voodoo doll), and get ready to leave that baggage behind. This is the cathartic, sides-splitting breakup bash you didn’t know you needed. We can’t wait to see you there!

Volunteer Orientation for Big Brothers Big Sisters @ Virtual
Feb 18 @ 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Volunteer Orientation for Big Brothers Big Sisters @ Virtual

Join a virtual volunteer orientation and learn more information about becoming a volunteer in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Mentor a youth in our community by spending a few hours each month doing things you both enjoy. Learn how we ignite the power and promise of youth with our proven system of support and safety.

Artvana paint and sip – Martini Mouse @ The Juice Box
Feb 20 @ 6:00 pm
Artvana paint and sip - Martini Mouse @ The Juice Box

Come and paint with Artvana at this family-friendly hot spot in Centralia!
All skill levels are welcome. Your artist coach will guide you through each step of this painting and help you tap your inner creativity! We will be painting the ‘Martini mouse’ artwork!
Drinks are not included must be 21+ to consume alcohol this is an all-ages brewery and class.
Come relax and paint with us and discover how creativity (and beer) can help you unwind and reduce stress.

Looking Out for the Little Guys: Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Workshop @ Stillman Creek - RSVP for exact location
Feb 22 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Join us for a hands-on workshop learning all about the tiny critters living in our local waterways! Daron Williams, a Habitat Biologist for the Department of Fish and Wildlife, will guide us in sampling and identifying macroinvertebrates, and speak on what they can tell us about the health of our streams. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to explore an important conservation area (managed by Capitol Land Trust) and get up close and personal with these fascinating (and often overlooked) creatures. Exact location provided after RSVP – limited spots available!

We recommend dressing warm and waterproof! Rubber boots are recommended, as you will have a chance to step into the stream to collect samples. Terrain is relatively flat but bumpy. Participants will not be expected to walk more than half a mile. There are no facilities on site, so please make sure to go before the workshop if a bush is not your ideal bathroom!

Packwood Community Education Event with Lewis County Noxious Weed Control @ Lewis County Fire District 10 Training Room
Mar 1 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Packwood Community Education Event with Lewis County Noxious Weed Control @ Lewis County Fire District 10 Training Room

Come learn about:

-The Lewis County Noxious Weed Control Program, who we are, what we do, and how we can help each other.
-East County Noxious Weed Identification, Control Strategies, & Community Action
-WSDA Funded Knotweed Control on the Cowlitz River

(2 WSDA Pesticide Recertification Credits Pending)

Planting and Growing Grapes @ Borst Demonstration Garden
Mar 8 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Free Pre-registration 4 days prior to the event. Call 360-740-1212 or email This workshop will help to guide you on what varieties of grapes grow the best the in our area, how to care for them and howl to prune them.

Carlisle Lake Community Planting Day @ Carlisle Lake
Mar 8 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Carlisle Lake Community Planting Day @ Carlisle Lake

Join Lewis County Stream Team + the Onalaska Alliance to plant a variety of native trees and shrubs along Carlisle Lake! These plants will shade out invasive weeds, provide food and habitat for birds and pollinators, and provide beautiful blooms, berries and foliage for all to enjoy. Dress warmly and bring gloves and tools if you have them!

Volunteer Orientation for Big Brothers Big Sisters @ Virtual
Mar 11 @ 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Volunteer Orientation for Big Brothers Big Sisters @ Virtual

Join a virtual volunteer orientation and learn more information about becoming a volunteer in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Mentor a youth in our community by spending a few hours each month doing things you both enjoy. Learn how we ignite the power and promise of youth with our proven system of support and safety.

Blueberry Care @ Providence Place Demonstration Garden
Mar 15 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Free pre-registration 4 days before the workshop. Call 60-740-1212 or email: This workshop will help guide your through the process of selecting varieties that do well in Lewis Co.,how and when to prune and fertilize.