Chehalis Centralia Events Calendar

This community events calendar is the place to find fun activities and things to do throughout Lewis County, including Centralia, Chehalis and beyond.

Plant Care in a Greenhouse/Poly tunnel with Lewis County Master Gardeners @ Greenhouse at Fort Borst Demo Gardens
Oct 12 @ 10:00 am

Learn the tricks for basic set-up and maintenance of a greenhouse or poly tunnel to grow plants year round. Workshop includes a tour of the Master Gardener Greenhouse at Borst Park in Centralia.

Beggining Square Dance Lessons @ Napavine Elementary School's multi-purpose room
Oct 14 all-day

Cougar Squares of Toledo, WA are starting beginning square dance lessons at the Napavine Elementary School. No experience necessary, no partner needed. This is tons of fun for all ages. Please come and check us out. First lesson is free! You will not be disappointed! Class goes from 7 to 9pm every Monday.

Seed Saving with Lewis County Master Gardeners @ Fort Borst Demo Garden, Fort Borst Park
Oct 19 all-day

There are many reasons to save seeds! To preserve and ensure you have a favorite plant to attract beneficial insects, to save money, for trading, the list goes on and on. Learn some simple techniques to the art of Saving Seeds!

Beggining Square Dance Lessons @ Napavine Elementary School's multi-purpose room
Oct 21 all-day

Cougar Squares of Toledo, WA are starting beginning square dance lessons at the Napavine Elementary School. No experience necessary, no partner needed. This is tons of fun for all ages. Please come and check us out. First lesson is free! You will not be disappointed! Class goes from 7 to 9pm every Monday.

Beggining Square Dance Lessons @ Napavine Elementary School's multi-purpose room
Oct 28 all-day

Cougar Squares of Toledo, WA are starting beginning square dance lessons at the Napavine Elementary School. No experience necessary, no partner needed. This is tons of fun for all ages. Please come and check us out. First lesson is free! You will not be disappointed! Class goes from 7 to 9pm every Monday.

Beggining Square Dance Lessons @ Napavine Elementary School's multi-purpose room
Nov 4 all-day

Cougar Squares of Toledo, WA are starting beginning square dance lessons at the Napavine Elementary School. No experience necessary, no partner needed. This is tons of fun for all ages. Please come and check us out. First lesson is free! You will not be disappointed! Class goes from 7 to 9pm every Monday.

Beggining Square Dance Lessons @ Napavine Elementary School's multi-purpose room
Nov 11 all-day

Cougar Squares of Toledo, WA are starting beginning square dance lessons at the Napavine Elementary School. No experience necessary, no partner needed. This is tons of fun for all ages. Please come and check us out. First lesson is free! You will not be disappointed! Class goes from 7 to 9pm every Monday.

Beggining Square Dance Lessons @ Napavine Elementary School's multi-purpose room
Nov 18 all-day

Cougar Squares of Toledo, WA are starting beginning square dance lessons at the Napavine Elementary School. No experience necessary, no partner needed. This is tons of fun for all ages. Please come and check us out. First lesson is free! You will not be disappointed! Class goes from 7 to 9pm every Monday.