1411 S. Tower Avenue
Have you ever wondered what to do with Christmas trees and broken holiday lights at the end of the season? You can reduce the impact on your local landfill by having them recycled! Bring your trees and lights to the Lewis County Transfer station in Centralia December 26th – January 7th, 10am-4pm. Be sure that all decorations and tinsel have been removed from the trees. Trees can also be brought to the East Lewis County Transfer station in Morton. Sensitive Document Shredding will also be available at the Lewis County Transfer station in Centralia January 6th from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
No flocked or artificial trees will be accepted. You may dispose of flocked, artificial or decorated trees at the transfer station where regular fees will be charged ($15 minimum for 280 pounds or less). Wreaths must be free of ribbon, wire and decorations. No trees or wreaths from commercial operations will be accepted.
Donations gladly accepted to support WSU Lewis County Master Composter and Master Gardener programs.