This community events calendar is the place to find fun activities and things to do throughout Lewis County, including Centralia, Chehalis and beyond.
#2a #alpaca #animalsanctuary #artclasses #autumn #autumnequinox #ConcealCarry #dance circle #flowergarden #flowers #freeevent #freelecture #gunshow #hiringevent #holidays #home #homelessness #hydrangeas #jblm #jobsearch #knives #leatherworks #litha #midsommar #movingforward #movingforwars #timberland #nonprofit #nowhiring #outdoorsports #propagation #publiclibrary #rescueanimals #revolutionarywar #shrubs #summer solstice #summersolstice #timberlandlibrary #timberlandregionallibrary #trees #VictorianCrafts #women's support #womenscircle 1960s 1980s 1980s party 21 and over 5K 90ten aau activities lewis county Adult adult craft adult event adult events adult swim adults adults-only advertising affordable gardening agriculture All Ages americana Amputee ancestry animals antiques apartment gardening apple Art art class Art Exhibits art for adults Art for kids art tours artisanal food arts and crafts artvana Assisted living Association auction auditions Aunt Kate's author event author talks autism Auto Museum automobile awareness babies baby Bake Sale Baking ballet ballet theatre washington band barre basketball basketball camp basketball clinic basketball team basketball tournament Basketball tourney basketball tryouts bazaar beer beer festival beer garden beercraft beginning gardener bellydance benefit benefits berries Bethel School of the Arts Beverage bicycle bike bike ride Bingo biofuels Black Sheep Creamery blackberrypull Blackberryremoval Blood Drive blood pressure blueberries bluegrass board games boat making body book book club book club chehalis book discussion book sale book signing books borst home borst park botany bows boys basketball boys girls club chehalis breakfast breast cancer breastfeeding breath breweries brewery Brewing Bridal Fair bridal fashion show bridal show bubbles Buffet build building Burgerville business business networking Cake calligraphy camp campfire camping candidate forum candyce bollinger candyce bollinger parenting class car show care career fair careers celebration census Centralia Centralia Airport Centralia Christian School centralia college centralia college east centralia fox theater Centralia High School centralia timberland library centralia volleyball centralia-chehalis chamber of commerce chamber business showcase Chamber of Commerce chef's night out Chehalis Chehalis Airport Chehalis Basin Partnership Chehalis dam Chehalis events chehalis farmers market Chehalis Land Trust chehalis library Chehalis River Chehalis River Basin Land Trust Chehalis River Discovery Trail chehalis strategy chehalis theater chehalis timberland library chehalis trolley chehalis-centralia railroad Chehalisriver chess children children's museum childrens events childrens music childrensevents chili cookoff CHOICE Regional Health Network christmas christmas cards christmas gift Christmas photo sessions Christmas photos church cinderella circus citizen science Civil Air Patrol claquato church class classes climate change clinic cocktails coffee collage coloring comedy Comedy Show comic books comics community Community Engagement community event community farmers market communityevent Communityservice compost Composter composting concert conference conservation content marketing Cookies coping cornhole costumes country chicks covid vaccination craft craft beer craft fair crafts creative creative writing creativity Crocheting Crystals cultural event D&D dahlias dam dance dance class dance lessons dancing date night Datenight dawn's demos dental health month dental health support desert war veterans day dessert desserts dicks brewing digital marketing digital media dinner Dinner Theater dinner train dinosaur discovery trail discussion diy DJ documentary documentary film downtown centralia drama draw drawing Drinks drought Drum drum making Earth Day easter easter egg hunt easter egg hunts easter eggs centralia Eastern Lewis County Hospital Foundation Eat eclipse education educational workshop educator night out Eggs elementary age elementary schools email marketing embody movement studio Emotions empowerment engineering entertainment environment environmental Essential Oils Etsy Events evergreen playhouse ewe and i exercise expanding your horizons expo fair Families family family events family friendly family fun family story farm Farm to table farm tour farmers market farmers markets farmersmarket Farming farms fat tire race fat tire ride father's day festival Fiber Arts Fiddle fiddler's coffee film finances fire safety firefighters fireworks first time home buying fish fish and wildlife fishing Fitness flea market flood control flood reduction flooding floodplains folk music food food festival food sustainability foraging Forest Practices forest walk forestry fort borst fort borst park fossils foster care foster parent fourth of july fox theatre fraud prevention free free class free event free events free friday night free workshop fresh friends of the chehalis library friends of the library Friends of the Morton Parks fruit fun Fun Run fundra Fundraiser fundraising Funny Gala gallery game night games garagesale garden gardening gardening class gardening workshop Gardens genealogy Ghost gift tags gift wrap gifts girls basketball girls night out goals Golf grand opening grays harbor county fair great wolf lodge Grief grief support grow food grow your own food Guitar habitat restoration Halloween handmade hands on children's museum hands on museum hands on oly hands on olympia Hands-On handson handsonchildrensmuseum hang-out hangout harmonica harry potter Harvest Haunted house heal healing health Health Insurance health wellness Healthplanfinder healthy families healthy living herbs heritage high school high school basketball high school girls basketball hiking historic building historic downtown history holiday holiday craft holiday events holiday market holiday shopping holidaybazaar home and garden show home garden home gardening homebuying homesteading honoring veterans lewis county hoop hope alliance horses Hospital hot dogs hour of code how to start a compost bin HS Basketball HS Boys Basketball hs girls basketball hulahoop inbound marketing indie information night internships introspection Invasiveplants invasiveremoval Ironwood japanese americans Jazz job fair jobs joy july 4 jv karaoke kid friendly Kids kids event Knitting Ladies Night lake land Land Stewardship land use Landtrust Latino leadership learning lego lego events lessons lewis Lewis County 911 lewis county business lewis county business showcase lewis county education lewis county genealogy society lewis county historical museum Lewis County Stream Team lewis county writers lewiscounty lgbtq LGBTQIA+ library literature live auction live music lizards local local art local author Local Film Local Food local history loss low-cost garden lucky eagle casino Lularoe lyceum lecture series magic magic the gathering magicshow market marketing marketing couch math mead medicine Meditation memorial day Memory Care metalmusic middle school military mineral mini golf MLK Day mobile marketing model train show model train show chehalis moms money morton morton moose lodge mossyrock Mother's Day motorcycles motovational mount rainier national park mountain view timberland library movement movie movies mulberries murder mystery museum mushrooms Music music concert music concerts music festival music makers musical musician NaNoWriMo napavine national parks Native Americans Native species nativeplants natural health nature networking new bussiness new years new years celebrations new years eve nicholson's non-profit non-profit fundraising Northwest Sports Hub northwest wind symphony Noxious Weeds nursery nutcracker nuts NW Strings o'blarney's oktoberfest olympia olympia mountaineers onalaska festival Open Enrollment open house openhouse orchard organic outdoor skills class outdoors oysterfest Pacific Northwest packwood Packwood Timberland Library pagan pageturners paint & sip paint&sip painting paper quilling parade Paradise Paranormal parenting parenting class parenting classes Parents as Teachers parents night out party peace peer support Penny Playground penny's puppets Performance Permaculture Photography Photos with Santa pickleball pilates plant sale plants play playgroup plays poetry poker poker run pope's kids place poplars pottery preschool preschool open house preschoolers presentation princess princess party private schools Prizes Prosthetic Providence psychic public pumpkin painting pumpkin train puppet show puppets Qualified Health Plan quilting Quinault Beach Resort and Casino quiz night raffle rain garden randle reading reading buddy Recreation Park rectangle recycling relay for life religious Renaissance Faire restoration Retirement Community ride the willapa river Rock music rock painting roxy theater run amok running club Running safety class sale salkum Salkum Timberland Library salmon Santa santa parade Santa Photos satire saturn scavenger hunt scholarships school schools Science science fiction search marketing seasonal Seattle seedpod farm self sufficiency seminary hill Senior housing Senior Living seniors sensory sensitivities sensory-friendly service sewing circle shakespeare & co Shop Businesses Shopping shopping market shred event silent auction silent auctions skiing sleep sleepover small biz Small Business snacks snow Social social media social media marketing SOTA Jam sound healing southwest washington fairgrounds space space-efficient garden Spirits Spirituality sports spring spring break spring business showcase spring youth fair square dance square dancing st patrick's day Stand-Up Stand-up Comedy Star Wars stay at home steam steam train ride stem stem education story time centralia storytelling storytime storytimes Stream Team strength Stress-Relief strrength studio k events stuffed animals summer summer camp summer library program Summer market summer soltice summer splash summerfest Support Support Group survivor sustainability swap meet talent show talks tarot tea teacher happy hour technology teen teen events teen night teenagers teens tenino the nutcracker Theater theatre things to do with kids Third Thursday thorbeckes tiller arts center Timberland timberland regional liberary timberland regional libraries timberland regional library toddler toddlers Toledo toledo parade tour tournament Tourney trade show tradition trail maintenance tree Tree planting trick or treat trivia trivia night TRL tutors twin cities rotary ukulele united way lewis county valentines values varsity vegetable garden vegetables ventriloquist Vernetta Vernetta Smith Chehalis Timberland Library Veterans Veterans Day veterans memorial museum veterans parade victory garden virtual workshop volunteer volunteer events walk washington Washington Health Benefit Exchange washington state parks waste water water supply and demand watershed watershed festival watershed management wedding expo Wellness western music whiskey white pass Wildlife willapa hills trail wine wine and desserts wineries winlock Winlock Egg Days winlock timberland library winter winter party women women empowerment women's basketball work Work Party workparty workshop workshops WorkSource worm composting writing WSU WWII xbox yard birds mall yardsale yoga youth youth basketball youth sports
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Annual Spring Plant Sale with Lewis County Master Gardeners
@ Blue Pavillion, Southwest Washington Fairgrounds
Annual Spring Plant Sale with Lewis County Master Gardeners
@ Blue Pavillion, Southwest Washington Fairgrounds
May 18 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Time to be planning your garden! Many Master Gardeners are helping you out by starting your seeds for you. We will have LOTS of tomato plants as well as peppers, vegetables, annuals, perennials, houseplants, even[...]
1:30 pm
Historic Borst Home Museum Open House
@ Historic Borst Home Museum
Historic Borst Home Museum Open House
@ Historic Borst Home Museum
May 18 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
![]() Jean Bluhm is our Guest Speaker for May and will share about the rest of the Borst Family and community in her books: Joseph Borst Family Tree (1564 – 2022); The Borst Home Guide; Book[...]