There are many details that require careful planning when hosting a celebration. One aspect that is often overlooked is an event’s effect on the environment. Gather Green offers green-friendly event planning for those with an appreciation for our natural resources who care about the impact of gatherings.

Gather Green provides opportunities to foster learning, share experiences, connect to nature, and sustainability. Events are customizable with the unique aspect of concern toward environmental, economic, agricultural, and social issues.

Gather Green
Currently volunteer-led, Gather Green seeks the support of the community through sponsorships, donations of camp items and supplies, and by giving of time and energy for events. Photo Courtesy: Gather Green.

Comprised of five wonderful women, Gather Green is a cornucopia of their various talents and skills. With farming and community in their minds and hearts, the shared vision of this group of remarkable women focuses on diversity and respect.

Joanne Dennis is the on-site coordinator and co-owner of Camp Singing Wind. The site hosts community events, many focused on the farming community. It is also home to Wood Sorrel Forest School. Joanne and her husband Brian are volunteer managers with the Toledo Thursday Market and are involved in the Lewis County Permaculture Society.

Gather Green
Gather Green previous clients include LARPing groups, yoga retreats, concerts, weddings, and other private events and celebrations.  Photo Courtesy: Gather Green.

The family found a home in Toledo and graciously hosts community events, field trips for local school kids, and summer camps. “We were so lucky to find land in this incredible community,” Joanne says. “This place is a gathering spot for so many local people. We really want everyone to fall in love with camp as we have.”

Rachael Reiton currently acts as the marketing and sponsorship coordinator for Gather Green. She also farms at Telegraph Farm and offers goat brush clearing and pack goat backpacking adventures.

Leah AdangFry is a talented presenter and schedule coordinator. She also tends the land at Telegraph Farm and serves on the board at the Community Farmers Market of Chehalis.

Cassie Driver found her niche as the finances/business and volunteer coordinator. She farms her land, Broomberry Woods, and is a board member for the Northwest Permaculture Convergence.

A talented chef, Cara Buswell is the group’s caterer, and vendor and aesthetics coordinator. Her business, Good Stuff Food Cart and Catering, prepares high-quality cuisine for events small and large.

The main lodge area of Camp Singing Wind amenities includes wi-fi, a stage, a kitchen area, and space for large groups. The immense beauty of the land creates a magical feel for all events.  Photo Courtesy: Gather Green.

Cara’s connection to Camp Singing Wind goes back to her childhood when she attended camp and had family reunions there. “It’s been pretty powerful for me and a lot of other people to come back here like they did as a child,” she says. “We are constantly hearing stories about kids who went to camp here. The first wedding we hosted, the bride attended camp here. It’s so cool to see it change and evolve and be a place I can come to as an adult too. There’s so much opportunity for the whole community to be sharing in this amazing spot.”

Gather Green events include earth-friendly practices like recycling and composting containers, reusable and compostable dish options, reusable signage, carpool and local travel options, and food choices supporting local agriculture and farmers. Preferring vendors using fair trade practices, they choose local first. They also offer a list of sustainable educational skill share topics to clients.

With over 180 acres of beautiful natural spaces, Camp Singing Wind, an ex-Campfire Girl camp, is the venue Gather Green uses most. While the stunning camp is their base, the party planners are happy to bring the concept of green events out into the community and will travel to other sites to create environmentally friendly events.

The group says they are women-powered and the business is run as a cooperative. Together, they support each other in creating community around farming, wildcrafting, and foraging. They also bring animals into the experience. Gather Green offers out-of-the-box solutions to real-world event and party issues.

Gather Green is excited to announce the first annual Women of the Woods on September 20 to 22. The camping event is all about women stepping into their power and healing the world.

Gather Green
Located on Cowlitz Tribal territory Camp Singing Wind hosted Healing of the Canoe where kids connected to their traditional cultural practices. “It was powerful to bring them back on this land and share this space with them,” says Joanne. They will bless the land during Women of the Woods.  Photo Courtesy: Gather Green.

The women-led rewilding retreat offers various tracks targeting specific interests including healing, art and expression, sustainability, and rewilding. Learn new skills through workshops, skill shares, and building community. Men are welcome to come learn from women as teachers and leaders. The event is family-friendly with kids’ spaces and classes.

Headlining for the weekend is musician and yoga instructor Bibi McGill. As Beyonce’s lead guitarist and musical director for a decade, Bibi will DJ a fun and healing dance party on Friday evening. Keynote speaker is poet and musician Lyla June. As an indigenous activist, her invigorating performances inspire healing around the world.

The weekend features local presenters including Dr. Alicia Spalding educating on nature’s cures, Billie Washington of Native Soil Farm sharing the art of forest bathing, and Laura Sweany with Always Growing Design teaching an introduction to permaculture. Join Christina Wolf from Embody with Movement as Medicine.

Sleep under a blanket of stars in a massive tree-lined meadow. Shop a village of women-owned and operated vendors. Join a group ceremony in celebration of the equinox and so much more. Rejuvenate both spirit and body, support resilient women, and relax in the wild at Women of the Woods.