Osteoporosis is known as a silent disease. Until a fracture occurs, there are usually no symptoms. One simply can’t feel their own bones weakening.

But once diagnosed, this incapacitating disease can be counteracted by physical therapy. Exercises that rebuild bone density, and postures that help regain balance (therefore preventing falls) are part of the treatment plan.

Penrose & Associates
Penrose & Associates can help with rehab, but also with rebuilding bone density with exercise. Photo courtesy: Penrose & Associates.

At Penrose & Associates Physical Therapy, osteoporosis treatment is a specialty. Their building strong bones program features trained physical therapists who support patients through evidence-based education and training.

“I am looking forward to increasing my bone density with these daily exercises,” says one patient, Linda B. “Penrose & Associates Physical Therapy showed me what exercises I can safely do and what motions to avoid.”

Patients can expect to learn the safest ways to lift, move, and reach. Proper posture and strength training focus on flexibility and balance.

Fall prevention is a big part of the equation for combating fractures and breaks. Falls can be very painful, costly, and sometimes fatal. Hips, forearms, and backs are the most common point of impact, often resulting in breaks.

Penrose & Associates
Osteoporosis is known as a silent disease. Until a fracture occurs, there are usually no symptoms. Photo courtesy: Penrose & Associates.

Penrose & Associates Physical Therapy asks, “Can you get up and off the floor without help? Can you stand on one leg for 50 seconds?” If not, these are signs that your mobility and balance are impaired.

Take control of your osteoporosis and team up with physical therapists who will treat you with expert care. Learn more at Penrose & Associates Physical Therapy online.
