NW Remedies Is Olympia’s Local Pharmacy for Supplementing Your Health and Knowledge


For protection against the viruses swirling around, it behooves us to treat our immune system like a best friend. Be supportive and caring and notice the difference. NW Remedies is Olympia’s local pharmacy and nutrition center with supplements to aid your defenses. Your immune system creates, stores and distributes the white blood cells that counter the viruses and bacteria that enter your body that is in abundance during the cold and flu season.

Third-Party Certified Options at Nutrition Center in Olympia

NW Remedies
Pharmacist Ryan Martin at NW Remedies believes in supporting the immune system for optimal health. Photo credit: Mary Ellen Psaltis

As you enter NW Pharmacy, you will be in an area that features supplements and other over-the-counter (OTC) or non-prescription remedies. Ryan Martin, PharmD, Rph and pharmacy manager at NW Remedies, wants you to know that most of the products are third-party verified. Third-party verification means the product was tested for purity and quality ingredients. “What it says on the bottle is what is in it,” explains Ryan. You can ask staff about third-party verification. This does not mean products that are not certified are not good, as NW Remedies is thoughtful of all its supplements. Dietary supplements lack certain regulations, so extra scrutiny is fine. You want to be sure the ingredients and amounts listed on the bottle are true.

Ryan takes his own health to heart while encouraging you to do the same with yours. “I really like Daily Greens Plus by Thorne,” he says. “I take it every day for general health.” A single scoop in a morning smoothie or a glass of water supports focus, energy and healthy aging. “It is USP verified,” notes Ryan. With greens, mushrooms and other nutrients, it is a powerful addition to your routine. A serving has a tad of monk fruit, making it less than a ½ teaspoon of sweetener per serving.

NW Remedies
Mushrooms and mycelium are powerful aids in optimal well-being. Talk with NW Remedies for more information. Photo credit: Mary Ellen Psaltis

Ryan also likes OrthoMune, a balanced blend of flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals for immune support. The formula has five major ingredients, including antioxidants Vitamin C and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) to promote respiratory function along with quercetin, zinc and Vitamin D for a robust immune reserve.  It’s nice to take one supplement instead of five. Many of our products have a money-back guarantee.

There is abundant information about the impressive health properties and value to your immune system by ingesting mushrooms. The Evergreen State College graduate and Mycologist Paul Stamets created Host Defense Mushrooms supplements, which can be found at NW Remedies, as well as other choices.

People living in the Northwest are often low on their levels of Vitamin D. “It’s up to 90% of people,” relates Ryan. Supplementing calcium is an important consideration for aging adults and bone health. A daily multivitamin may help fill gaps.

Looking for your favorite brand? You’ll find an array of products at NW Remedies in Olympia, including:

NW Remedies
The educated and helpful staff at NW Remedies can help you navigate supplement choices to fit your health goals. Photo courtesy: Stormans
  • Thorne
  • Ortho Molecular
  • Metagenics
  • Standard Process
  • Biotics
  • Nordic Naturals
  • Integrative Therapeutics
  • Xymogen
  • Designs for Health
  • And many others

Ryan Martin’s Suggestions to Optimize Your Immune System

Get Enough Sleep

According to a new study with the Centers for Disease Control, more than a third of Americans are not getting enough sleep (seven or more hours per day) on a regular basis. Lack of sleep increases a person’s risk of developing serious medical conditions, such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. You’re probably grumpier, too! If doctors could give out prescriptions for sleep, many of us would be taking an hour more sleep a day. Your brain initiates repair and recovery processes on itself while you are asleep and other parts of your body rest, and all contribute to your health or lack of it.

NW Remedies
Centrally located in Olympia, NW Remedies can help you with supplements and prescriptions to address your health concerns. Photo credit: Mary Ellen Psaltis

Eat Healthfully

Your defense system is optimized with a vegetable-centric style of eating. Keep added sugar intake as low as you can, which cuts down on inflammation. Other ways to cool inflammation are by avoiding processed and fried foods, as well as common proinflammatory substances like gluten and lactose. They are hard to digest and have less nutritional value. Colorful fruits and vegetables are tasty and easy to prepare. The goal is to maintain your immune system homeostasis. Here are some ways to get those important vitamins into your daily diet:

  • Vitamin B6: salmon, greens, bananas
  • Vitamin C: tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, citrus fruits
  • Vitamin E: almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach
  • Zinc: oysters, beans, meats, dairy products
  • Magnesium: nuts, seeds, supplements

Minimize Stresses

Decide how much and what sort of screen time is enough. Read a physical copy of a magazine or book. Take a walk. Practice yoga. Sit quietly. Remind yourself you don’t have to do everything every day.

Maintain Social Connections

It is important to talk and connect with others. Phone a friend. Attend an event. Visit a friend. Volunteer. Go to church. Take a class. It’s not that hard, but it is important.

Olympia’s Compound Pharmacy

In case you didn’t know, NW Remedies is a compounding pharmacy that provides services beyond a traditional pharmacy. This means medicinal compounds can be made in various forms to deliver them to your body in a way that works for you. Instead of a tablet, you could use a cream, ointment, suppository, or a dissolvable lozenge. They also work with vets for your pet’s health.

How you feel, how you stay well, and how you recover from illness are at the forefront of our minds. NW Remedies is always thinking about your well-being and is available to talk with you about your individual concerns.

Learn more on the NW Remedies website. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

NW Remedies
1851 State Avenue NE #105, Olympia


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