Centralia College to Eliminate Testing and Graduation Fees


Submitted by Centralia College

Starting December 1, Centralia College will eliminate fees to apply for graduation and to take college placement tests. This elimination of the fees is permanent and aimed at reducing barriers to students either starting or finishing a degree or job training program.

The $15 graduation application fee is an administrative fee used to audit a student’s academic record to see if they qualify for graduation. The college placement test is currently being done in two parts – math and reading. The reading test has typically come with a $10 fee for students.

“For a lot of Centralia College students, especially now, $10 or $15 is a lot,” explained Robert Cox, vice president of Student Services. “No one should ever be kept from either starting college or earning their degree because of a few dollars. It was an easy change to make, and we hope it will have a big impact on students.”

For more information on college programs and resources, visit www.centralia.edu. Open registration for the winter quarter begins on December 3. Winter quarter classes start on January 4.

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