Submitted by Twin Transit

This summer is all about healthy living at Twin Transit. The last few months have been challenging for all in Lewis County. But the sunshine has finally arrived and we’re encouraging everyone to get outside and enjoy it!

A recent study from NORC at the University of Chicago found that only 14% of American adults are currently “very happy.” In 2018, that number was 31%. Back then, 23% said they often or sometimes felt isolated. Now that number is 50%. Overall, the survey showed that Americans are unhappier now than they have been in nearly 50 years.

This isn’t really surprising, considering the isolation, social upheaval, economic downturn, and general strife we’ve all been through since the arrival of COVID-19.

Fortunately, there is hope. Studies show that overall happiness and wellbeing are improved through physical exercise and healthy living.

There’s no better time to shake off the stress, get out and have some fun!

Here are a few ways to get out and moving, either individually or in small groups:

  • Walk
  • Run
  • Bike
  • Roller skate
  • Shoot baskets
  • Hula hoop
  • Kayak
  • Hike
  • Skateboard
  • Unicycle
  • Play frisbee golf
  • Play actual golf
  • Try an experiment and see if you can walk, run or bike everywhere you go!

The whole Twin Transit team is getting into the spirit and having some fun with a
company-wide step competition. Two teams were selected at random and given
one month to take as many steps as possible. The winning team will be honored
at the organization’s first-ever “healthy eating” potluck.

Here are a few other ideas you can do as a group or workplace:

• Walking klatch
• Inter-office fitness competition
• Healthy recipe swap
• Sugarless desert competition
• Implement yoga and stretching breaks
• Hold meetings outside

Now that the summer sun has arrived, we can move into a new phase of renewed
health and happiness!

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