What will Lewis County look like in 2025? You can help shape the future of this wonderful place we live, work and play through the Vision 2025: Lewis County Listens survey. Information gleaned from the survey will inform the County’s five-year strategic plan and priorities. Your input will literally shape the future of our County.    Twin Transit

All opinions matter in this important process. The 16-question survey includes important issues like housing affordability, transportation, utilities, economic development and more. Identifying the community’s priorities is the first step toward our County’s future.

Shaping a County’s five-year strategic plan often happens at the leadership level alone. But Lewis County recognizes that local citizens’ input is priceless. Lewis County Manager Erik Martin is teaming up with a volunteer Strategic Planning Advisory Committee and Tanner Consulting International to analyze survey data and use the information to draw up a comprehensive plan.

Lewis County ListensA strong, healthy community is the goal for everyone who serves Lewis County. “This is our chance to help shape our community going forward,” says Twin Transit Community Relations Director Andrea Culletto. “The County wants to hear from our community, to get a more comprehensive picture of future goals and priorities. The County already does many things in a lot of different areas. They have to know what people are concerned about and hopeful for. We hope everyone takes the survey. It really is a chance to be heard.”

The Vision 2025 effort is not just about what needs to be fixed; it’s about how to best prepare for our growing County’s future needs. “We as a group need to start thinking about what we want for the future and how to orchestrate the development of our County in a way that is uplifting, inspirational and proactive,” says Culletto. “We can grow Lewis County into something really remarkable. Sometimes people forget that is possible. It’s easy to get caught up in daily life and lose sight of the big picture. But the future comes whether we’re prepared for it or not. This is a chance to not only be prepared but to be intentional in crafting the community we all want to live in. Through this survey, we can decide what we want Lewis County to be and set the wheels in motion.”Lewis County Listens

Take the survey today!

Share your thoughts and priorities as Lewis County moves into the future. The survey is quick, easy and completely anonymous. It is available in English and Spanish. Paper surveys are also available at local Timberland Libraries. Share your hopes and dreams for the future of Lewis County. Let your voice be heard!

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