Submitted by Centralia Community Foundation

On Sunday, February 6, the new Par4Sports is hosting a virtual “Winter Open” Golf Tournament at their location in NW Sports Hub. The owner Andrew Pullin has named Centralia Community Foundation as the beneficiary of the net proceeds from the event. The tournament will run all day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The facilities can host twenty teams of four players each. So sign-up to virtually golf in sunny Pebble Beach while doing something great for the community!

For additional fun and competition, a silent auction will take place featuring a variety of desirable items such as golf packages, hotel stays, and restaurant dining. The silent auction will be available to anyone who wants to stop into Par4Sports to check it out. For sign-up or for more information please visit Par4Sport’s website.

It is exciting for Centralia Community Foundation to know that Par4Sports becomes the newest of several business supporters that also believe that investing in quality education and career training is the fastest way to a healthy and vibrant Centralia. The Foundation is focused on two initiatives; the Schools of Excellence and Career Pathways Initiatives and recognizes that the opportunities that stem from these are crucial for growth in our community. For more information about the Foundation please visit Centralia Community Foundation’s website.

Please make sure you sign up for e-news on their site, like them on Facebook, follow them on Instagram and share with your friends. Things are happening and we want more people to be part of these positive changes.

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