1545 Goodrich Rd
WA 98531
The Chehalis River Basin Land Trust and the Lewis County Stream Team will hold a work party at the Chehalis River Discovery Trail, near Centralia on Thursday, June 27th from 9 am ‘til 12 noon
Come join volunteers from the CRBLT and the Lewis County Stream Team for a Work Party at the Chehalis River Discovery Trail on Thursday, June 27th. We’ll gather at the trailhead, near the river, at 9am, then proceed to the work area near the north end of the trail.
Most of the work will be knocking down reed canary grass, to encourage growth of 250 young trees and shrubs that were planted last fall. If time allows, we may also remove some other invasive plants.
Snacks and drinking water will be provided. (Bring your own bottle.)
Where: Chehalis River Discovery Trail, 1545 Goodrich Rd, Centralia, WA. Follow the signs and continue through the gate to the parking area near the old red barn.
When: From 9 am until 12 noon, on Thursday, June 27th, 2024.
Dress for the weather. Sturdy shoes, gloves, long pants and sun-protection are all recommended. We will have some gloves available at the site.
Please pre-register for this event by emailing an RSVP to:
Please let us know how many people you expect in your party.
We also ask that you arrive early to sign a liability waiver for the day.
Thanks in advance for your participation!