Submitted by Timberland Regional Library

In light of Gov. Jay Inslee’s announcement on Monday of changes to COVID-19 state guidelines and increased restrictions because of the rapid spread of the virus in Washington and across the country, Timberland Regional Library is halting or reducing the expansion of library services.

The following changes will be effective November 17, 2020, through December 15, 2020, at the earliest.

Rural and small libraries:

  • Expanded services may continue to be offered with only one patron being allowed use of a computer or copier-scanner service at a time. Capacity must stay below 25 percent.
  • In lieu of expanded services, self-service holds pick up may be offered at no greater than 25 percent capacity or Library Takeout may be offered.
  • Browsing is limited to 5 minutes.

Urban and medium to large libraries:

  • No browsing or computer use will be allowed for the next four weeks.
  • Self-service holds pick up may be offered at no greater than 25 percent capacity, or Library Takeout may be offered.
  • No self-service copier-scanner use will be offered. Those libraries previously providing this service through Library Takeout may continue to do so.

TRL serves diverse communities across Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific and Thurston counties. Our branches are as diverse as the communities they serve, and safety precautions and service restrictions are customized for each branch. For information on the services provided by your local library, visit your library’s location page on our website or the Library Takeout page or call your library. You can find a full list of the governor’s new guidelines here.