Submitted by: Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce

The Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce invites you to attend the 68th Annual Santa Parade on December 2nd at 11:00 a.m. in downtown Chehalis. Bring the family out to this nostalgic parade filled with whimsical floats, lead by this year’s Grand Marshal, Frank Mason, and of course finished with an appearance by Santa himself!

Chehalis Santa Parade
Winter fun at the Chehalis Santa Parade. Photo credit: Sara Light-Waller.

This year’s theme is “White Christmas.” The float that best reflects this theme overall will win $500 to donate to a local nonprofit of their choice. We also encourage you to stop by Courage Coffee’s mobile espresso, located next to the stage the day of the parade, the first 100 12oz Mochas or Hot Cocoa’s will be served free courtesy of the Chamber.

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