Dust off your jersey, dye your hair, and recharge your batteries during pre-season play at this year’s Mighty Alliance Fan Fest and Beach Party August 18 – 20. For the third year in a row, the Mighty 12’s Alliance will partner with Quinault Beach Resort and Casino for a weekend of games, stars, super fans, and more.

Quinault Beach Resort and Casino
August 18-20 Quinault Beach Resort and Casino and the Ocean Shores Convention Center are transformed into a 12th Man extravaganza. Photo credit: Quinault Beach Resort and Casino

Confirmed for 2017 are such notables as Darrell Jackson, Craig Terrill, Wayne Hunter, Joe Tafoya, Norm Johnson, Alex Bannister, Sean Locklear, Hillary Butler, Alonzo Mitz, Charlie McShane, Sammy Green, Edwin Bailey, strength and conditioning coach Dana LeDuc, Mama Lynch, Mama Bennett, Mama and Papa Sherman, Mama and Papa Thomas, Mama and Papa Lockette, Mama and Papa Milloy, Mama and Papa Trufant, Mama Blue, Mr. and Mrs. Seahawk, Big Lo, Painted Hawk, Cannonball, Shannon Love, Hawk in the Hat, and Wilson the 12th Pony.

Friday, August 18 through Sunday, August 20, the Ocean Shores Convention Center is transformed into a blue and green wonderland. The event is free and family friendly with activities throughout Ocean Shores as well as on the nearby beaches.

Look for bands and a DJ on stage, a full Kids’ Zone, scavenger hunts, and team-themed decorated vehicles. Non-perishable food donations will be collected for the Ocean Shores Food Bank and monies raised over the cost of expenses will be donated to local charities like the Grays Harbor Youth Sports Foundation.

Quinault Beach Resort and Casino
Join fellow superfans, ‘Hawks players, and local celebrities painting the town blue and green. Photo credit: Quinault Beach Resort and Casino

Friday’s events include coffee with Mama Lynch and Mama Bennett at 12th Woman Java from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., vendors from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., a spaghetti dinner from 6:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. benefitting Grays Harbor Teen Homeless Backpacks, pre-season ‘Hawks viewing parties at the Convention Center and Casino from 7:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m., and a live DJ and karaoke from 10:00 p.m. until midnight.

For the early rising golf set, a 9-hole scramble golf tournament kicks off Saturday, August 19 at 8:00 a.m. There will be special guests and the top three teams will win prizes and trophies. Purchase tickets in advance online. You never know, you may tee off next to Darrell Jackson, Joe Tafoya, Alonzo Mitz, Wayne Hunter, Coach Dana LeDuc, Papa (Earl) Thomas, Papa (Ricardo) Lockette, Big Lo, the Seahawk Rooster, or Shannon Love.

After find a 9:00 a.m. 5K run/walk, vendors, an 11:00 a.m. Fan Fest Parade and raising of the 12 flag, special guest dinner at the Casino, and 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. live and silent auction. Stay up late that night for a pub crawl hosted by Ride the Waves Tours, a 10:00 p.m. fireworks show, and live music.

Sunday closes with vendors, a beer garden, and charity pancake breakfast inside the Convention center.

Quinault Beach Resort and Casino
Come shop, dance, eat, drink, and play…all benefiting local charities and youth sports organizations. Photo credit: Quinault Beach Resort and Casino

Come for the day or a weekend staycation, thanks to Quinault’s nearby resort hotel or RV park. To book your stay simply call 888-461-2214. An easy drive from Centralia, it’s the perfect close-to-home getaway.

And the Fan Fest fun doesn’t stop inside the Quinault Beach Resort and Casino. Twelve lucky Q-Club members could win $100 in free play Friday and Saturday, August 18-19. Simply play your favorite machine and earn 100 points in the hour before the drawing and you’re eligible to win.

Joining Q-Club is easy and free. Simply enroll online or at Quinault Beach for discounts, specials, and prizes throughout the resort.

Interested in spotlighting your ‘Hawks goods, local business, or regional charity as a vendor? Email Anna at anamac247@yahoo.com for details. Businesses wanting to be involved through donations or event sponsorship can contact the Mighty 12’s Alliance at mighty12salliance@gmail.com.

Rain or shine, summer or winter, Seahawks fans are loud and proud. The official tribute to the Spirit of 12 acknowledges that “Seahawks fans might cheer from the sidelines, but on the field they give the Seahawks a 12 on 11 advantage every play for every yard. The impact of their loud and relentless support have become a Northwest tradition.”

Bring friends and family to the free Mighty Alliance Fan Fest and Beach Party…just try not to cause a Beast Quake tsunami.
